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#Ngabubuwrite - Day 16: Half of Half

As the meeting ended, she walked outside the bullpen, getting ready to chase another one. She knew the tall man had been staring at her since she first entered the meeting room. He kept staring at her wrist, when her old analog watch curled beautifully.

She didn't want him to feel guilty, it was all in the past. She didn't blame him for her sister's death. Never.

"Do you need something?" she approached him, maybe she could end whatever it was in his mind. But he stood still, with his cold look, and cold eyes, and black attire. Even back in her childhood days he always wore black. Those eyes are cold, but she knew he had been hurt for the past 15 years.

"I will say it for once," she said looking at his black eyes.

"I'm not mad at you," she never was, and never would, "I just think you're stupid."

It was like he tried to read her mind while she did the same. The difference was that his expressionless face covered most of his scars.

"It was her choice. I don't blame anyone. She doesn't want you to blame yourself too," she conclude. And when she didn't get the reaction, she decided that it was done and enough. At least at the time he knew she never blamed him.

She was about to get back to where she was before, but she noticed he was staring, at her wrist again, at her watch. She touched her watch, "This is the last gift she gave to me before she's gone," and she smiled a little.

He nodded, literally his first reaction since the one-side conversation started.

"It was your gift to her, wasn't it?" she deduced, he was all silent.

The watch had been an important part of her life. It reminded her to her sister and how she gave up everything to let her live. The watch was the only item her sister had but never used, or never got the chance to. She gave it to her the last day they met. She wore the watch just on some occasions, wherever she felt she needed strength.

"Do you want to take it back?" she looked at his eyes again. It's okay if he wanted to take it.

"No. It looks good on you," the first and probably the last word he said. She nodded. When he said nothing more, she turned and walk to where she was about to go. He stood still.


Jtn, 9/5/2020; 17.46


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